From the boardroom, to the ashram.

We empower entrepreneurs to fuse spirituality and business through a collaborative, transformative community.

We are conscious professionals, choosing to do business differently.

A joint venture between your third eye and your third quarter goals.

Our value-add is a paradigm shift from corporate to consciousness.

  • Belong and contribute to a community of business owners and leaders who see their growth through service to themselves and other community members

  • Make connections amongst members with the intention of growth-oriented collaborations

  • Create a leader grounded in their heart, mind, body, and spirit

  • Generate 10X the potential and ease of life and business

  • Help fellow sooTH seeker members become incredibly savvy with life-- Guiding them to not only 10X their potential but to master the art of abundance in all facets of life


  • Bring your curiosity.

    Curiosity enables us to be more aware and empathetic.

  • Pursue Growth

    By finding our edges, we break through barriers and improve our life experience.

  • Seek Connection

    Connection brings us joy, meaning, and the ability to ground ourselves

Has Infinite Awareness shown you the direction of your next product release?


Come to grow, play, and create in a community curated for spiritual entrepreneurs.